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Showing posts from September, 2016


Did you know that there are 40,000 different varieties of rice? Each type of rice has its own taste, texture and properties, that make it work well with different cooking applications.  ANATOMY OF RICE Each grain of rice is enclosed in a tough outer hull, or husk, that needs to be removed before it can be consumed. This layer is removed in all rice types.   Under the hull, the bran layer is  not  removed in all rice types. This nutritious whole grain section is usually tan-colored, but it may be reddish or black depending on the pigmentation in the bran layers. The bran layer may be consumed, but it is often removed when further processing rice.  Once the bran and germ layers are removed, white rice remains. Known as the endosperm, this is the part of the rice that is most commonly consumed.  Found under the hull, the germ, or rice kernel, is nutrient-dense. Full of B vitamins, minerals, and proteins, it helps give rice its color and added nutritional benefits. LENGTH &


Regular  oats  are rolled, whole-grain  oat  kernels. Q uick oats are whole-grain oat kernels that have been cut into smaller pieces before being rolled. The nutritional value of regular and quick oats is the same, however, the smaller pieces make it  easier for  quick oats  to absorb water than old fashioned  oats , which allows for a shorter cooking time than regular oats. Because of this, quick oats may be a better option in emergency situations where fuel and water is limited. Many people prefer the substantial texture of regular oats, but quick oats are a bit easier to digest because they are already broken down into smaller pieces. Save Save Save Save