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Finding Peace in the Storms of Life

Yea, and it came to pass that the Lord our God did visit us with assurances...yea, insomuch that he did speak peace to our souls, and did grant unto us great faith." -Alma 58:11

   It is so easy to get caught up in the hysteria and think the worst but the Savior has taught us to find calm in the storm.  I, for one, am so grateful for the guidance and counsel we have been given time and time again from the prophets and apostles that help us prepare for these situations.  I loved the message that Pres. Nelson sent out last night.  If you haven't watched it yet, do it and share it with those you love.  
   Now that our pantry has been stocked it is time to stock up our family's spiritual pantry.  As you get the opportunity to spend more time together as a family over the next 2 (or more) weeks let's make the most of it.  We will be posting some fun ideas of things to do to keep the boredom at bay as well as ways to help you find opportunities to have meaningful spiritual experiences in your families.  A great way to start it off is to really commit to having home centered gospel study. Often times it can get difficult with all the other distractions of life and sometimes it may fall to the side or not get as much attention as needed so lets give it that much needed attention.  Does it always need to be a formal sit down for a lesson gathering to do it? NO! Play games like Book of Mormon pictionary, Prophet/Apostle Slapit or match game.  This website has some great resources for games such as these along with others. The church also has some great resources.  
  Another thing you could do is maybe have a read-a-thon.  Even young kids can get in on this. If you haven't already, take the Prophets challenge to read the Joseph Smith History before Conference.  Have each person read it and then tell you something new that they learned or hadn't really realized before. 
   One other idea I really liked was to gather family stories. Each person in the family is in charge of calling or emailing a family member (aunt, uncle, grandparent) and asking them to share a story or two from their childhood. Maybe you have heard your Mom or Dad's version of the same story but it is always interesting to hear it from a different perspective and hear what it was like for them. The possibilities are endless, you just need to bust out your imagination and a little ingenuity and BAM the ideas will start flowing. 
