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Haven't we practiced enough...lately?

We have certainly had some practice in preparedness.  Hopefully, the preparations and new attention to our readiness levels have softened the worry and fear that comes to us all during trying times. Practice Makes Perfect, so they say...  Lets practice for some possible (different) scenarios and become aware of what we need to do, or accumulate for our personal and family needs in order to feel ready with less fear, for a variety of threats to our usual "norm".

Following is a suggestion for a fun activity if you have younger family members.  We have had plenty of opportunity and reason to discuss with our households the importance of preparedness, so let's put it to work.
Baby Steps:  Do a mock emergency as a family and see how well your Family Emergency Plan works.  This could be as simple as a fire drill including an outside meeting place, or an evacuation to a camp site in the back yard (if applicable).

5k: Take a first aid class as a family.  It is important to know what to do in all scenarios.  Due to our current restrictions, your family class may need to consist of a good review of the family first aid kit, study a book (a Boy Scout handbook, if you have one, is a great resource) or research an online first aid essentials class.

Marathon:  Hone and expand your survival skills.  For example, tying knots and which knots are most versatile in different scenarios.  Study plant identification, how to build a shelter, try new "camp foods" or prepare recipes that utilize strictly food storage items.
