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Stake Emergency Response Drill

This week we encourage you to learn of and review your neighborhood block plan.  If you don't have a Ward/neighborhood plan, please contact your emergency coordinator or Bishop and encourage them to get a plan in place.   The Stake has a plan that may be viewed here.  Coming up is a drill to practice our communication efforts in the event of an emergency.

Following is an (abridged) e-mail from Brother Brent Hess, Farmington Utah West Stake Emergency Coordinator.  Followed by an announcement from the Farmington City Emergency Communication representative.

Quail Crossing and Parkwood wards, although in Kaysville City limits should participate with this Farmington City Emergency Response exercise as we are grouped as a Stake to participate.

UPDATE:  4-15-18
Brothers and Sisters,

We are just about to our April Emergency exercise with the city, this Saturday.  I hope that everyone has been getting the word out to all those in your area to get registered with the Code Red system.  If you have not had a chance to do that yet, please do what you can to get as many people in your area register as possible, this needs to include both members and nonmembers.  The Code Red system is a county wide system and will work independent of the city you live in.

We have a new update to the exercise from the city per a conversation with Farmington Fire Chief, Davis County Emergency Services, and the Davis County Health Department.  They have asked us to not use Code Red for this exercise.  It is still important to get as many register as we can, but we will not have a Code Red call as part of the exercise this Saturday. The problem is that Davis County Health who manages the system thinks that the timing is wrong to use the system at this time. 2 reasons are given 

1. We may have people panic at home with a Code Red practice. 
2. They feel that we may be using the Code Red system in the next two weeks with information on the Virus, and they believe it may have to be used between now and the end of April for real health emergency. 

Therefore we will do every as planned except the Code Red.  We will practice the Code Red it in October, assuming  that we will be back to normal.

The communication exercise as planned will take place with social distancing, and will follow the schedule below:
  1. 8:00 am will be the start of the Roll Call between the stake and the city.
  2. 8:10 am The Stake will  initiate the stake roll call communication exercise with the ward Coordinators the radio channel 31 (155.820 MHz).  
  3. 8:20 am The ward coordinators should contact block captains who should contact those in their blocks.  Once your ward exercise is complete, report back to the stake with the standard reporting numbers and the number of individuals registered on the Code Red system. This should be done by  phone, text or some other means rather than door to door contact(Social Distancing) Door to  Door is discouraged.
  4. 9:00 am All ward reports are due back to the stake on channel 31 (155.820 MHz)
  5. 9:15 am The stake will relay information to the city Radio Control. 
  6. This will then conclude our stake emergency exercise for the month of April.
I have not heard from very many of the wards about the ward radios, please let me know if you have radios and know how to use them.  For those that have replied, thank you.

Thanks for all that you do for our stake.  Let me know if you have any questions.  I look forward to seeing you on the radio on Saturday.

Brothers and Sisters,

On April 18th, Farmington City will be conducting an emergency exercise. This exercise will be to test the reverse 911 (Code Red) system, see email below from the city. For our stake, the plan for this exercise is to get as many people in the stake registered on Code Red as possible. To register, follow the instructions in the PDF file attached to this email. The goal would be to have every member of the stake registered. For the exercise, we will be doing everything remotely due to COVID-19. We would like each ward to be on their ward radio at 9:30 am on Saturday April 18th. The stake will conduct a radio roll call with a request for our standard report with the addition of the percentage of ward members that received the reverse 911 phone call. The excel file "Stake Contact List 202004" that is attached shows the current calling for each ward. Please review this list and update all information as appropriate.

Standard report:
Total # of neighborhoods in ward
# of neighborhoods contacted for this exercise
Total time for response
Issues to report
Help requested
Emergency position changes

Every ward should have 2 ward radios that are capable of communicating with the stake level. One radio for the emergency coordinator and one radio for the Bishop.
If you do not know the location of the radios that have been given to your ward, please contact prior members that held your current calling and do all the you can to track down those radios.

If your ward is new and has never had a radio, please let me know. If you have the radio, but don't know how to use it, please let me know. If you have both radios and know how to use them, please let me know. I look forward to talking to everyone on the radio Saturday morning for this exercise. If you are not able to participate, please ask someone to fill in for you. I would love to have every ward check in on the radio.

Thanks again for all that you do, I look forward to hearing from everyone. If you have any questions, please let me know. For those of you that may have my old cell phone number, I have a new number see below.
Brent Hess
Stake Emergency Coordinator
Cell 385.270.1985

Effective immediately we are not to be directly contacting Fire Chief, Police Chief or City offices for any exercises or for special emergency request within your district or area. All communications need to go through Darin Regis, Paul White, or Raymond Bingham. We have had some Districts contacting directly, but if you will remember you are a volunteer and work through the volunteer system.
Special Requests for radio or AM radio requests will go though the three individuals above. This request forms from the City as they want a central point of contact.
concerning the April 18th exercise, there will be a Red Alert practice that will go out through the cell phone to those who have signed up, we are not going to use the AM Radio station. The exercise is to be a communication exercise only for the purpose to see if word can get out in case of an emergency, It is recommended that only the essential people to be at the EOC, Communications and District Coordinator.
If we are still under the present government guidelines we will conduct our communication by our radio system and or telephone on the district level, no door to door contact. Instructions that were  given to the citizens of the North District are attached. For Red Alert to work you have to have people signed up because cell phones are not attached to the regular phone call out system. People need to sign up. Please pass this email along to all your District Staff and those who need to know.
Paul E White
