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This week, our suggestion is to compile a medication kit including 7 days worth of daily prescription medications as well as a smaller container of over the counter medications such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen).  Fill your medications on the first day possible to get a little bit ahead and put the extras in your medication kit.

If your family includes children, don't forget to include medications appropriate for their age.  

Other over the counter items such as antacids, cough drops, anti-diarrheal, laxative, allergy medication and ointments etc. should also be included. (If not already in your first aid kit, or keep in BOTH!) Look for trial sizes or create small containers from your regular use size bottles. Be sure to clearly label containers with the drug name and dosage instructions. 

Print out and fill in one of these Personal Medical Cards for each family member. Include these cards in your medication kit along with a copy of your medical insurance information. 

Pack your kit in a watertight container and store out of the reach of children.  Inventory your kit and rotate any expired or no longer needed medications. Don't forget to add a few doses to your kit if you are prescribed a new daily med.  
