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Remember this time last year?  If you didn't have a back up supply, you were out of luck finding Toilet Paper in the stores for several weeks.  A great example of why we need to be prepared.  The creative "wiping" alternatives got pretty creative and did not appear all that pleasant.  No thank you Mr. Pine Cone.

Next to food and water, Sanitation is pretty high on the list of needs in an emergency.  Everybody needs something (or somewhere) to go on. 

Purchase or make a bucket toilet kit.  Toilet seats are available at most camping stores, or you can fashion a seat from a foam pool noodle for a DIY portable Loo.  Include TP, hand sanitizer, heavy duty garbage bags, twist ties and a shovel.... and don't forget to include something to keep the smell to a minimum such as kitty liter. You may want to create 2 buckets.  One for solids and one for liquids.  Some people label them simply PEE and POO (or color coded 💩 💛 for the younger children to differentiate).  Those with children, if they have not had experience with using the potty while camping, there may be a learning curve or they may think it a fun new game.  Don't forget supplies for the "untrained" baby and any special needs of your family.

If you prefer, consider adding a portable camping toilet and a peri-wash bottle.  You may even consider a portable "potty tent" for your "privy". Your kit should include all of the items listed above.

Check out our Emergency Sanitation page for more tips and ideas.
