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Preparedness KITS

We have been advised to put away a supply of food and essentials to help us in future hard times.  To be PREPARED.   As we experience and learn about situations that may displace us from our homes and away from our food storage, we have learned that having a smaller emergency supply is definitely a good thing, in addition to a long term supply of food and other essentials. 

A 72 hour kit is a selection of supplies most necessary for survival (& comfort) in the first couple of days following an event most likely to force an evacuation from your home.  A "grab and go" bag. It should contain a bit of food, water, a change of clothing, first aid items, flashlights etc.  The bare necessities.  Each member of your household should have a small bag of these essentials, and if possible, a bag containing shareable items could be compiled and ready to take along also.  Click HERE for several lists, helps and suggestions for compiling a quick Grab and Go bag, First Aid Kits, Car Kits, Back to School Kits.

Here is a Church website article on building a "Go-Bag" and, some suggestions for gathering Emergency Supplies.
