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We've all heard the saying..."It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark."  Power was on before the winds came.  Things were calm prior to the earthquake.  We were high and dry before the water came a risin'.  Emergency evacuation?  How organized and prepared do you feel for any of these scenarios?

The best time to practice and prepare is BEFORE the emergency happens.  Since we do not know WHEN and usually have limited warning of those things that are predictable.  NOW is the best time to practice and prepare.

This month, we encourage you to look at your food storage and related supplies.

Try to create a whole meal using just your food storage items.  Make note of what you need to add to make that meal complete and awesome!   Experiment with different flavors and see what your family likes or dislikes.  No reason to store it if the family won't eat it. You can find some recipes to try HERE.

Purchase some whole wheat flour, or grind your own if you have the means to do so.  Try making whole wheat pancakes or waffles.  If you grind your own flour, mix it half and half with white all purpose flour for the first few times.  It can be rough on ones digestion, especially kids if the body gets to suddenly process heavy grains when not an often experience.  

Did you know that you can grind pinto beans into flour?  Pinto beans are high in protein and are a very good way to get protein into your family's diet.   You can substitute 1/4 of the amount of flour needed in baking bread items with ground pinto beans.  The flavor doesn't change and your family gets a boost of protein from something as simple as chocolate cake!  

Good luck in your recipe adventures.  Don't forget to make notes of what items you may want to add to your storage and what items you may want to store less of.  Using items from time to time in your regular weekly food preparations is a good way to rotate your food storage.  Do this for a couple months, adding what is used to a list to replace as needed and you will soon have formed a great habit of keeping track of your storage and rotation of the older items to be replaced with new.  Have fun and enjoy!
