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Long Term and Short Term Storage...
 both are IMPORTANT.

Here are 8 key points to remember when building your food storage.

1) VARIETY-- Not having enough variety in your food storage is a big mistake! Add variety by including comfort foods and dehydrated or freeze-dried fruits and veggies.

2) STAPLES-- Longer-term staples are important! Don't forget to store recipe staples like grains, beans, rice, cooking oil, yeast/leavening agents like baking soda, and spices. These items are the basics for most recipes and often have a longer shelf life than other foods.

3) READY TO EAT FOODS--Don't forget to store a MINIMUM of 3 days of ready-to-eat foods! In an emergency situation, meal planning and cooking will be challenging. Store foods that are easy to prepare by opening a can or just adding water. This will make the first few days or weeks after a disaster much easier to handle.

4) NUTRIENTS--Difficult times can diminish the body's ability to store nutrients. Be sure to store foods that have a high nutrient content. Include in your storage vitamins--especially vitamin C.

5) DIVERSITY--Don't go overboard on one single food item or type of food storage. Diversify your storage by purchasing a variety of canned foods, freeze-dried/dehydrated foods, MREs and longer-term food storage staples.

6) CONTAINERS--Don't store food only to end up having to toss it out. Store foods properly to prolong shelf life. Don't leave your food in sacks or the original boxed package. Mylar bags/oxygen absorbers are inexpensive and can really prolong the life of your food storage. Storing food in buckets is another way to protect your food storage. Don't forget to store foods in the proper temperatures (don't let them get too hot or too cold), and don't store food, especially metal cans, in moist or humid areas.

7) TEST IT OUT--Learn how to use what you store. If you try to feed your family foods that they aren't familiar with in an emergency, there are going to be a lot of unhappy faces and empty bellies.

8) STORE ENOUGH WATER--Most foods require water to prepare. In an emergency situation, water will become a priority. Water is necessary for drinking, cooking, and cleaning, so don't forget about this important preparedness supply! Store enough water for each member of your family and then some. In a disaster scenario, it's likely that your neighbors will be desperate for water, too, so store plenty and don't forget to store water filters and water treatment chemicals. For more information on water storage, click HERE or HERE.
